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Olympic Day, Mozambique 2014 IOC
National Olympic Committee

Comité Olímpico Nacional de Moçambique


A key date on the National Olympic Committee’s (NOC) calendar, Olympic Day in Mozambique is about more than simply getting active. It is also an opportunity to educate local youngsters about vital issues affecting their community, including the environment, HIV/AIDS and malaria. It is also an occasion to spread the Olympic values and demonstrate how they can positively impact people’s lives.

Where and when?

Boane Olympafrica Centre, 28 June 2014.


The NOC of Mozambique organised an Olympic Day that focused on education, awareness-raising and getting active. It provided lessons on the Olympic values of excellence, friendship, and respect, and how they can be applied on and off the field of play.

Actions and outcomes included:

  • The Mozambique Government endorsed Olympic Day, and made a call to action for schoolchildren and adults to take part in the Olympic Day Run.
  • In the days leading up to Olympic Day, NOC staff went to local schools to build awareness.
  • Teachers kicked off Olympic Day at the Boane Olympafrica Centre with informative sessions on HIV/AIDS, malaria and the impact human activity can have on the environment locally and globally.
  • Lessons were given in a traditional classroom setting, as well as through varied outdoor activities. They included drawing the Olympic rings while being taught the Olympic values and collecting and recycling debris found around the Centre.
  • Two Paralympians were invited to the Boane Olympafrica Centre to share their experiences, explain how they overcome challenges and demonstrate the power of sport to local schoolchildren. The athletes encouraged the youngsters to always put in their best effort, respect their teammates and opponents, and forge new friendships.
  • Following the talks, some 900 children put excellence, friendship and respect to the test during played games of football, volleyball and basketball.
  • Many children also got to re-enact the actions of their Olympic sprinting heroes by trying sprinting blocks for the first time.
  • Nearly 1,000 participants of all ages took part in the Olympic-related activities at the Boane Olympafrica Centre.
  • All participants received Olympic Day t-shirts and certificates in recognition of their involvement.
With whom?

The Government; the District Directorate of Education, Culture and Technology of Boane; National Federations; coaches, teachers and volunteers.

Next steps?

The NOC of Mozambique wants to invite more Olympians and Paralympians to share their experiences and inspiring stories with the local children, as this has proved to be an effective way of conveying the role of sport and its values in society. The NOC will also strive to develop new ways to ensure the Olympic values are prevalent and can make a positive impact on society year round.


The NOC of Mozambique used a mix of physical and educational activities to engage the youth of the Boane region and demonstrate the many life lessons sport can deliver. By providing lessons about the environment, health and the Olympic values, the young participants took home some important messages to help them succeed both on and off the field of play.

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